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A well that pumps at a constant rate of 0.5m3/s fully penetrates a confined aquifer of 34 m thickness. After a long period of pumping, near steady state conditions, the measured drawdowns at two observation wells 50m and 100m from the pumping well are 0.9 and 0.4 m respectively. (a) Calculate the hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity of the aquifer (b) estimate the radius of influence of the pumping well, and (c) calculate the expected drawdown in the pumping well if the radius of the well is 0.4m.
T = 0.11029m²/sec
Radius of influence = 93.304m
expected drawdown = 3.9336m
See the attached file for the explanation.
Answer: Describe the greatest power in design according to Aravena? The subject of Aravena’s recent Futuna Lecture Series in New Zealand was ‘the power of design,’ which he described as ultimately being “the power of synthesis” because, increasingly, architects are dealing with complex issues and problems.
What are the three problems with global urbanization? 1. Degraded Environmental Quality ...
2. Overcrowding ...
3. Housing Problems ...
4. Unemployment ...
5. Development of Slums...
How could you use synthesis in your life to solve problems? Hence, synthesis is often not a one-time process of solution design but is used in combination with problem understanding and solution analysis to progress towards a more complete understanding of problems and solutions over time (see Applying the Systems Approach topic for a more complete discussion of the dynamics of this aspect of the approach).
I got all three answers