You will have 0.06502087426717999 moles of NaCl with 3.8 grams. 1 gram= 0.0171107563861
There are many forms of energy: like solar, wind, wave and thermal to name a few, but the 6 Forms of Energy we study in Needham are: Sound, Chemical, Radiant, Electric, Atomic and Mechanical. Sound Energy- is produced when an object is made to vibrate. Sound energy travels out as waves in all directions.
Mobile electrons bring about high electrical conductivity
Stronger intermolecular forces usually correlate with higher boiling points
Boiling points generally increases with molecular weight due to increased strength of dispersion forces
Hydrocarbons exhibit only dispersion forces.
For the arrangement of compounds above, isopropanol has the highest boiling point because it forms hydrogen bonds with water. Dichloromethane possess dipole-dipole interaction which accounts for its higher boiling point. 1-butene has a higher boiling point than propane because it has higher molecular mass thus greater dispersion forces.
Answer : 108 kJ of heat is absorbed
Explanation :
Enthalpy of vaporization of water at body temperature is 2.41 kJ/g
That means we need 2.41 kJ to evaporate 1 gram of sweat.
Let us use this as a conversion factor to find the amount of heat needed to evaporate 45 grams of sweat.
The equation can be set as follows.

Therefore we can say that 108 kJ of heat is absorbed when sweat is evaporated from someone's skin.