There are 3 significant figures in this value, all values before and after the decimal point are significant. As there is a decimal point, the zeros trailing are also significant.
The partial pressure is the amount of linguistic compound there is which makes the lagitude of the element 64.663
They both have the same number of atoms
The number that indicates the amount of particles in a compound is the Avogadro's number (NA).
It does not matter the mass of compound we have, If we have 1 mol we will be sure that we are talking about 6.02×10²³ particles
6.02×10²³ represents the amount of atoms in twelve grams of 12-pure carbon and it is considered a reference to measure the amount of all kinds of substances present in a given system.
Stratus clouds reside below the 6,000ft range.
Altocumulus clouds reside in the 6,500-20,000ft range.
Cirrus clouds reside above the 20,000ft range.
Ordered from highest to lowest, the sequence of clouds will be:
When a conclusions is shared it gives room for other scientist with other ideas or different perspective to raise up new questions