They do not have any sensing organs. They can't see, smell or move on their own. They rely on random motions from their host to move around.
Chemical Change
Physical change normally mean that the change can revert back to its orginal state, which in this case that is not possible therfore it is a chemical change.
A closed system is completely closed to the outside environment. Every interaction is transmitted inside that closed system.
Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
According to Einstein's equation of photoelectric effect, the kinetic energy of emitted photoelectron is the difference between the energy of the incident photon and the work function of the metal. The work function of the metal referee to the minimum energy that must be supplied in order to eject an electron from a metal surface. The energy of the incident photon must exceed the work function of the metal.
When we look at the electromagnetic spectrum, only the selected colours have frequency above the threshold frequency as shown by the image attached below.
Types of Hydrolysis
There are several types of hydrolysis, and we will look at them in brief below.
Salts: This is the most common type of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis of salts generally refers to the reaction of salt with water where it involves the interaction between cations or anions of salts and water. During hydrolysis, a salt breaks down to form ions, completely or partially depending upon the solubility factor.
Acid and Base: Acid–base-catalysed hydrolysis can be found during the hydrolysis of esters or amides. Here, the process of hydrolysis occurs when water or hydroxyl ion reacts with the carbon of the carbonyl group of the ester or amide where new compounds are formed. The products of both hydrolysis are compounds with carboxylic acid groups.
ATP: Most biochemical reactions that occur in living organisms are in the form of ATP hydrolysis which takes place with the help of enzymes acting as catalysts. The catalytic action of enzymes allows the hydrolysis or breaking down of proteins, lipids, oils, fats and carbohydrates.