The first 50 elements along with their valences are given below :
1. Hydrogen = 1
2. Helium = 0
3. Lithium = 1
4. Beryllium = 2
5. Boron = 3
6. Carbon = 4
7. Nitrogen = 3
8. Oxygen = 2
9. Fluorine = 1
10. Neon = 0
11. Sodium = 1
12. Magnesium = 2
13. Aluminium = 3
14. Silicon = 4
15. Phosphorus = 3
16. Sulphur = 2
17. Chlorine = 1
18. Argon = 0
19. Potassium = 1
20. Calcium = 2
21. Scandiun = 3
22. Titanium = 3
23. Vanadium = 4
24. Chromium = 3
25. Manganese = 4
26. Iron = 2
27. Cobalt = 2
28. Nickel = 2
29. Copper = 2
30. Zinc = 2
31. Gallium = 3
32. Germanium = 4
33. Arsenic = 3
34. Selenium = 2
35. Bromine = 1
36. Krypton = 0
37. Rubidium = 1
38. Strontium = 2
39. Yttrium = 3
40. Zirconium = 4
41. Niobium = 3
42. Molybdenum = 3
43. Technetium = 7
44. Ruthenium = 4
45. Rhodium = 3
46. Palladium = 4
47. Sliver = 1
48. Cadmium = 2
49. Indium = 3
50. Tin = 4
<u>Note</u> :
An element like Iron, copper can have more than one valencies.
Water is neutral with ph 7. when we add water to acidic solution, it will be less acidic. so the pH of acid increases
speed = distance/time
= 23.7/54 m/s
= 0.44 m/s
speed of a dog running through a field = 0.44 m/s
D. The energy released or absorbed during the reaction