15.0 I’m pretty sure that’s the answer to your question
1. 100 CE
Menelaus of Alexandria lived. a Greek mathematician and astronomer
2. 190 BCE - 120 BCE
Hipparchus of Nicea, an Hellenic language mathematician, astronomer and geographer, regarded by many historians as a scientist of the most effective quality and one amongst the most effective astronomical genius amongst ancient Greeks.
3. 276 BCE - 195 BCE
Eratosthenes, an Hellenic language Alexandrian scholar, who was a native of Cyrene and one amongst the most effective geographers in antiquity.
4. c. 310 BCE - c. 230 BCE
Aristarchus of Samos. A Greek astronomer and mathematician
5. 384 BCE - 322 BCE
Aristotle Era.
6. c. 571 BCE - c. 497 BCE
Pythagoras of Samos lived during this era.
7. 585 BCE
Media and Lydia went into battle and broke off immediately as a result an entire eclipse of the sun which occurred causing the two armies to create peace. The eclipse was already predicted by Thales of Miletus.
8. 585 BCE
Thales of Miletus lived during now.
Ancient Greeks were some of the first people known to study the sky and understand what astronomy really entails. They discovered the Earth was spherical in shape and went ahead to devise a means to measure its size. They also were the ones who created the idea of a geocentric solar system, which was incorrect, But assisted us in understanding the universe for over hundreds of years.
Mass and Acceleration
The typical Force equation is:
F = ma
where m = mass, and a=acceleration.
For reduction
Execution time = (instructions * CPI)/(Clock rate)
Since CPI is increased by 18%
18/100 +1 = 1.18
P1 CPI = CPI x 1.18
P2 CPI = CPIx 1.18
P3 CPI = CPI x 1.18
Since clockrate reduces by 30% we have it to be a 0.7
P1: (Instructions x P1CPI) / 0.7
P2: (Instructionsx P2CPI) / 0.7
P3: (Instructions x P2CPI) /0 .7