The nearest star to the Earth is the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 4.218 light-years.
Light year is the unit of distance covered by the heavenly bodies. 1 light year is equal to :
We need to convert 4.218 light-years barley corns.
Since, 1 barleycorn = 1/3 inch

So, the nearest star to the Earth is at a distance of
. Hence, this is the required solution.
"Frequency" just means "often-ness" ... how often something happens.
It's always expressed as
<em>(number of happenings) / (some period of time) .</em>
It depends where you are.
-- If you weigh 120 pounds on the Moon,
then your mass is 329.1 kilograms.
-- If you weigh 120 pounds on Mars,
then your mass is 143.8 kilograms.
-- If you weigh 120 pounds on the Earth,
then your mass is 54.4 kilograms.
Closest to the dog.
Sounds are louder the closer you are to them.