Silicon is used in the manufacturing of microchips and is also used in motherboards. We use it in our daily lives. It is a high tech element.
Perfectly inelastic collision
There are two types of collision.
1. Elastic collision : When the momentum of the system and the kinetic energy of the system is conserved, the collision is said to be elastic. For example, the collision of two atoms or molecules are considered to be elastic collision.
2. Inelastic collision: When the momentum the system is conserved but the kinetic energy is not conserved, the collision is said to be inelastic. For example, collision of a ball with the mud.
For a perfectly elastic collision, the two bodies stick together after collision.
Here, the meteorite collide with the Mars and buried inside it, the collision is said to be perfectly inelastic. here the kinetic energy of a body lost completely during the collision.
When you touch an object and heat flows OUT of it, INTO your finger, you say the object feels hot.
When you touch an object and heat flows INTO it, OUT of your finger, you say the object feels cold.
If the object has the same temperature as your finger ... <em>around the mid-90s</em> ... then no heat flows in or out of your finger when you touch the object, and the object doesn't feel hot or cold.
As the sum of the two right directed forces match exactly the left directed force, the only unbalanced force, and thus the net force, is the upward 25 N force.
allows for better thermal equilibrium
Due to the cone shape, most of the liquid will be closer to the bottom than the top. The large surface area of the bottom allows for faster heating.