The answer is Frost Point.
The temperature to which the air must be cooled, with constant pressure, to reach saturation (in relation to liquid water), is called the dew point. The dew point gives a measure of the water vapor content in the air. The higher, the greater the concentration of water vapor in the air. However, when cooling produces saturation at a temperature of 0 ° C or less, the temperature is called a frost point. The water vapor is deposited as frost on a surface whose temperature is below the dew point.
The answer would be B) 10,000 DM is equal to 1 kilometer.
77.14 atm of pressure should be of an acetylene in the tank.

According to reaction, 2 moles of acetylene reacts with 5 moles of oxygen.
Moles of oxygen=
Moles of acetylene =

Volume of large tank with oxygen gas, 
Pressure of the oxygen gas inside the tank = 
Volume of small tank with acetylene gas ,
Pressure of the acetylene gas inside the tank = 
Considering both the gases having same temperature T, [1]=[2]

77.14 atm of pressure should be of an acetylene in the tank.