One possible unstructured activity that promotes resistance training would be climbing playground equimpent - A.
This is by nature a unstructured ctivity. Furthermore, it promotes resistance training because you're forced to move and pull and push yourself.
1104 km/hour
Distance between Dallas Texas to New York = 2760 km
Time the plane took from Dallas to New York = 2 hours
Time the plane took from New York back to Dallas = 2.5 hours
Formula to use
<h3>distance = speed x time </h3>
Speed the plane took from Dallas to New York
2760 = 2 x speed
speed = 2760 / 2
= 1380 km/hour
Speed the plane took from New York to Dallas (ROUND TRIP)
2760 = 2.5 x speed
speed = 2760 / 2.5
= 1104 km/hour
-- Heat is a form of energy.
-- Joule is the SI unit of energy.
-- Joule is a unit of heat.
'Degree Celsius' and 'Kelvin' are units of temperature.
Heat and temperature are different things.
We won't go there right now.
1 second later the vehicle's velocity will be:
5 seconds later the vehicle's velocity will be:
Recall the formula for the velocity of an object under constant accelerated motion (with acceleration ""):
Therefore, in this case and
so we can estimate the velocity of the vehicle at different times just by replacing the requested "t" in the expression:
It takes work to push charge through a change of potential.
There's no change of potential along an equipotential path,
so that path doesn't require any work.