P = 80.922 KW
Given data;
Length of load arm is 900 mm = 0.9 m
Spring balanced read 16 N
Applied weight is 500 N
Rotational speed is 1774 rpm
we know that power is given as
T Torque = (w -s) L = (500 - 16)0.9 = 435.6 Nm
angular speed
Therefore Power is
P = 80.922 KW
At the time of the summer or winter solstices, the Sun is 23.44° degrees above or below the horizon, respectively, irrespective of time of day.
special type
As per the classification of milling cutters. This cutter can handle deep and long open slots in a more comfortable manner, which increase the productivity.
Trojan horse
A trojan horse attack is a type of malware that misleads users, as it appears unsuspicious at first, but actually presents a threat to the user. A common example is that of an email that contains a malicious attachment. Another common example is that of a fake advertisement. The name comes from the Greek story of the Trojan horse that led to the fall of the city of Troy.
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