The process of using magnetic fields to produce voltage.
(iv) second law of thermodynamics
The Clausius inequality expresses the second law of thermodynamics it applies to the real engine cycle.It is defined as the cycle integral of change in entropy of a reversible system is zero. It is nothing but mathematical form of second law of thermodynamics . It also states that for irreversible process the cyclic integral of change in entropy is less than zero
// Program is written in C++
// Comments are used to explain some lines
// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.
using namespace std;
int divSum(int num)
// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also
//initialised to 0
int result = 0;
// find all numbers which divide 'num'
for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)
// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'
if (num%i==0)
if (i==(num/i))
result += i; //add divisor to result
result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result