The energy carried by one photon is directly proportional to its
frequency. So the photon energy is greatest for the electromagnetic
waves with the highest frequency / shortest wavelengths.
That's why when you get past visible light and on up through ultraviolet,
X-rays, and gamma rays, the radiation becomes dangerous ==> each
photon carries enough energy to tear electrons away from their atoms,
ripping molecules apart and damaging cells.
The photon with the highest energy is a gamma-ray photon.
Helium is the least reactive element, since it is a noble gas with the smallest amount of valence rings.
Aspirate or inhale or respire or
x_total = (A + B) cos (wt + Ф)
we have the sum of the two waves in a phase movement
In this case we can see that the first boy Max when he enters the trampoline and jumps creates a harmonic movement, with a given frequency. When the second boy Jimmy enters the trampoline and begins to jump he also creates a harmonic movement. If the frequency of the two movements is the same and they are in phase we have a resonant process, where the amplitude of the movement increases significantly.
x₁ = A cos (wt + Ф)
x₂ = B cos (wt + Ф)
total movement
x_total = (A + B) cos (wt + Ф)
Therefore we have the sum of the two waves in a phase movement