All trenches must have access/egress - A.
3. The word circuit means "go around", therefore a circuit is a pathway or closed path around which electricity (or water) flows.
4. Electrons flowing through a wire can be compared to water flowing through a hose. Once the flow of electrons or water is going, work, is performed.
5. You would get shocked in a bumper car by touching the floor and the ceiling at the same time. This means you are completing the circuit allowing electricity to flow.
6. Electricity from a wall outlet has enough energy to stop your
7. Electricity is the flow of electrons, because electrons move or jump from atom to atom.
8. Materials that allow electrons to move easily from atom to atom are called conductors.
9. Materials that do not allow electrons to flow easily are called insulators.
10. Semi- conductors are materials that are somewhere in between
11. Voltage is the force or pressure of electricity and is compared to the amount of water pressure in a hose.
12. Current (amps
) is the amount of electricity and is compared to the amount of water in a hose
13. Watts (power) is the term for work performed by electricity.
I think this is vectors. Sketch the two vectors A and B on the x axis and then find their magnitudes using cosine... i would like to know if i am correct.
The law of conservation of energy is:
-- Energy can't be created or destroyed.
-- Energy can't just appear out of nowhere. If you suddenly have
more energy, then the 'extra' energy had to come from somewhere.
-- Energy can't just disappear. If you suddenly have less energy,
then the 'missing' energy had to go somewhere.
There are also conservation laws for mass and electric charge.
They say exactly the same thing. Just write 'mass' or 'charge'
in the sentences up above, in place of the word 'energy'.
And now I can tell you that the conservation laws for energy and mass
are actually one single law ... the conservation of mass/energy. That's
because we discovered about 100 years ago that mass can convert
into energy, and energy can convert into mass, and it's the total of BOTH
of them that gets conserved (can't be created or destroyed).
How much mass makes how much energy ?
The answer is E = m c² .
Answer: True.
You would be able to visualize the basketballs height going up and when it sinks down into the hoop.