
Here we know that the EMF induced in this Field is given as

here B = perpendicular component of magnetic field
v = speed of the bird
L = length of the wings
now we have

now we have

a An increase in the speed will lower the internal pressure
Bernoulli's fluid formula

P = Pressure
ρ = Density of fluid
g = Acceleration due to gravity
h = Height
v = Velocity of fluid
If there is no change in height then we get

According to the Bernoulli's principle when the speed of the fluid is larger in a region of streamline flow the pressure is smaller in that region. From the above equation it can be seen that increase in speed should simultaneously reduce pressure in order for their sum to be constant.
A beam of laser is directed at a reflecting surface put on the moon when the beam of laser is reflected a receiver on the each measure the time since the beam was sent till it was received. Laser is simply light so it has constant velocity in vacuum ~ air (c = 3 x 10^8 m/s)
to find the distance:
t : time measured between launching the beam and receiving it
d : distance
d = ct
Alcohol and drugs are a no no. you should put the answers in so people can answer correctly.