Energy is the property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work.
Her acceleration is zero, because her velocity is not changing.
The king gave them all fake seeds, the little girl was the only honest child who didn't switch seeds.
Explanation: dfvjdsbv dvjdbv dvuhdv
-A photon travels, on average, a particular distance, d, before being briefly absorbed and released by an atom, which scatters it in a new random direction.
-Given d and the speed of light, c, you can figure out the average time step and space step size (how often the photon “steps” and how far it “steps” each time).
-The size of the Sun is figured in terms of step size. Some surprisingly tricky math happens, involving “Brownian motion” and probabilities. Finally,
-The average time it would take to get to the surface of the Sun is found.