Answer: because there is no displacement or movement in the watchman's work. according to science when displacement or movement take place it is said to be work. hope this helps you.
To determine the centroid of the object first moment of area is used.
To predict the resistance of a shape to bending and deflection which are directly proportional, second moment of area is used.
In july you would expect least hurricane
Answer: Yes, he is exceeding the speed limit
This is problem about unit conversion
1 mile = 1,609.344 m
Then the speed limit v is:
v = 75 mi/h = 120,700.8 m/h
1 hour = 60 min = 60*60 s = 3,600 s
v = (120,700.8/3,600) m/s = 33.52 m/s
38 m/s is higher than the speed limit v.