It's the rows. They are periods. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - the ones without the letters).
The three of them have the same amount of electrons, so we can’t determine the right one on that ground. As you might know, Pauli said that electrons are always in the position of the lowest energy. So the first situation is impossible because there is a free place available that takes less energy. Then the 3rd situation is nor possible because if one electron has a different spin than the others, there is a magnetic obstruction that be prevented if the spin changes. This means that the second situation is the right one.
The dense aerosol cloud created caused decreases in the amount of solar radiation that reached the Earths surface.
With computer you have a wire you connect the nuclear and the computer together that is how it works in the in the computer there is a stopwatch of 30 minutes