••• like a story pole but has information for only one portion of the wall. system. methods and materials of construction.
you have to think then go scratch and then calculate and the design
Answer - La cristalización ye un procesu químicu pol cual a partir d'un gas, un líquidu o una disolución, los iones, átomos o molécules establecen enllaces hasta formar una rede cristalina, la unidá básica d'un cristal. La cristalización emplegar con bastante frecuencia en química para purificar una sustancia sólida.
The answer is below
Given that:
Diameter (D) = 0.03 mm = 0.00003 m, length (L) = 2.4 mm = 0.0024 m, longitudinal tensile strength
, Fracture strength

a) The critical length (
) is given by:

The critical length (4.5 mm) is greater than the given length, hence th composite can be produced.
b) The volume fraction (Vf) is gotten from the formula:

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