35°c is equal to 95°f
To do this multiply 35 and 1.8
35 x 1.8=63
Now add 32
Resulting in the answer 95
(The equation for to solve for c and f is c1.8+32=f
Equation 2, because K being more reactive, exchanges position with Pb in PbNO3.
Chlorine would become a liquid. Its boiling point is around -34 Celsius so at any temperature below that it would be liquid.
It's false.
Molecular orbital theory states that the number of molecular orbitals is equal to the number of atomic orbitals that overlap. The lowest energy molecular orbital is formed when two atomic orbitals that are in phase overlap, forming a bonding molecular orbital. However, another molecular orbital is also formed, called an anti-binding orbital.
So if an "n" quantity of atomic orbitals is combined, an "n" quantity of molecular orbitals is formed.
Have a nice day!