Atomic mass (Also called Atomic Weight, although this denomination is incorrect, since the mass is property of the body and the weight depends on the gravity) Mass of an atom corresponding to a certain chemical element). The uma (u) is usually used as a unit of measure. Where u.m.a are acronyms that mean "unit of atomic mass". This unit is also usually called Dalton (Da) in honor of the English chemist John Dalton.
It is equivalent to one twelfth of the mass of the nucleus of the most abundant isotope of carbon, carbon-12. It corresponds roughly to the mass of a proton (or a hydrogen atom). It is abbreviated as "uma", although it can also be found by its English acronym "amu" (Atomic Mass Unit). However, the recommended symbol is simply "u".
The atomic masses of the chemical elements are usually calculated with the weighted average of the masses of the different isotopes of each element taking into account the relative abundance of each of them</u>, which explains the non-correspondence between the atomic mass in umas, of an element, and the number of nucleons that harbors the nucleus of its most common isotope.
Because Electrical Current is the most important thing about psychics
Motion is detected when an object changes its position with respect to a reference point. Coordinate system is basically used to represent motion. A coordinate system uses numbers or coordinates which represent position of the reference points on a two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. The trajectory of a point or line can be studied on a coordinate system which describes various aspects of motion like velocity, acceleration, distance, displacement etc. Coordinate system is important because it helps to choose a starting point and the direction (which will be positive).
D. The temperature does not change during a phase change because the average kinetic energy does not change. Therefore, the potential energy in the bonds between molecules must change.
When there is a change of state (for example, from solid into a liquid, as in this example), when energy is added to the system, the temperature of the substance does not change.
The reason for this is that the energy supplied is no longer used to increase the average kinetic energy of the particle, but instead it is used to break the bonds between the different particles/molecules. For instance, since in this case the substance is changing from solid to liquid, all the energy supplied during the phase change is used to break the bonds between the molecules of the solid: when the process is done, all the molecules will be free to slide past each other, and the substance has turned completely into a liquid.
The bonds between molecules store potential energy: therefore, this means that the energy supplied during the phase change is not used to change the kinetic energy, but to change the potential energy in the bonds between the molecules.