The time required for the footprint left by the Apollo astronaut to be erased is
Further explanation:
Some astronauts went to the moon to know about the moon. They walk on the surface of moon that’s why their footprints left there. It took time to erase the footprints.
The number of micrometeorites hitting the moon in one day is
The area of footprint is
The surface area of moon is
Concept used:
When footprints hit the surface of moon it got impacted.
The expression for the number of micrometeorites hitting the surface area of footprints in one day is given as.
…… (1)
is the number of micrometeorites hitting the moon in one day,
is the surface area of moon and
is the surface area of footprint.
The expression for the time to receive impacts on footprints.
…… (2)
and in equation (1).

This means that the footprints receive
number of micrometeorites or impacts per day.
Impacts are required to erase the footprint in one day.
The expression for the time required to erase the footprints is given in equation (2).
in equation (2).

Thus, it can be given in million years as
Learn more:
1. Motion of ball under gravity
2. Examples of wind and solar energy
3. Conservation of momentum
Answer Details:
Grade: College
Subject: Physics
Chapter: Astronomy
Moon, meteorites, footprints, impact, surface area, 20 impacts, micrometeorites, 25 million micrometeorites, 1010 million year,1.010*10^9 days .