Add the thermal R values of each wall layer.
Fiberglass insulation R value, sheetrock, sheathing, siding etc. All sum together to one composite opposition to heat transfer/loss.
Q= U x A x Delta T
Q= heat transfer btuh
U= 1/R inverse of resistance
A= area of surface
Delta T is temerature difference across the wall.
Quadrants are counter-clockwise because angles are measured counter-clockwise; and angles are measured counter-clockwise so that Cross Product of unit vector in X direction with that in the Y direction has to be the unit vector in the Z direction (coming towards us from the origin).
The electrical power is 96.5 W/m^2
The energy balance is:


if Gl≈El(l,5800)

lt= 2*5800=11600 um-K, at this value, F=0.941

The hemispherical emissivity is equal to:

lt=2*333=666 K, at this value, F=0

The hemispherical absorptivity is equal to:

Ammonia gas a hazardous gas to our health, when we are exposed to it for a long time. The gas is lighter than air, that means it's high concentration may not be noticed at the point of leakage, because it flows with the wind direction. Ammonia gas detector are used to determine the concentration of the gas at a particular place. We can use the dispersion modelling software program to know the exact position, where we can place the gas detector, which would be where evacuation is needed.
During evacuation, when the concentration of the gas has increased, a self-contained breathing apparatus should be used for breathing, and an encapsulated suit should be worn to prevent ammonia from reacting with our sweat or any other chemical burn. A mechanic ventilation will also be needed in the place of evacuation, so that the ammonia concentration in that area can be dispersed.
Obtain the following properties at 6MPa and 600°C from the table "Superheated water".

Obtain the following properties at 10kPa from the table "saturated water"

Calculate the enthalpy at exit of the turbine using the energy balance equation.

Since, the process is isentropic process 

Use the isentropic relations:

Calculate the enthalpy at isentropic state 2s.

Calculate the isentropic turbine efficiency.

Find the quality of the water at state 2
at 10KPa <
at 10KPa
Therefore, state 2 is in two-phase region.

Calculate the entropy at state 2.

Calculate the rate of entropy production.

since, Q = 0