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First we calculate the mass of the aire inside the rigid tank in the initial and end moments.
(i could be 1 for initial and 2 for the end)


So, the total mass of the aire entered is

At this point we need to obtain the properties through the tables, so
For Specific Internal energy,

For Specific enthalpy

For the second state the Specific internal Energy (6bar, 350K)

At the end we make a Energy balance, so

No work done there is here, so clearing the equation for Q

The sign indicates that the tank transferred heat<em> to</em> the surroundings.
Answer: Rupture strength
Explanation: Rupture strength is the strength of a material that is bearable till the point before the breakage by the tensile strength applied on it. This term is mentioned when there is a sort of deformation in the material due to tension.So, rupture will occur before whenever there are chances of failing and the material is still able to bear stresses before failing.
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a) the log mean temperature difference (Approx. 64.5 deg C)
b) the rate of heat addition into the oil.
The above have been solved for in the below workings