Donna's doctor must have diagnosed her with muscle cramps. With the given symptoms above, it is likely that she is experiencing muscle cramps. Muscle cramps most likely happen when the individual experiencing it is lack of fluid intake, causing the muscles to tighten causing pain and for the muscle to contract involuntarily.
<em>Aim at the base of the fire and use short bursts until the fire is out.</em>
Fire extinguishers use CO2 (Carbondioxide) as the extinguishing agent. This is because CO2 is denser than air, and does not support combustion.
Aiming at the base of the fire causes the CO2 to fall on the base of the fire, where the source of the fire is, trapping it, and preventing it from further reacting with air in a combustion reaction. Also, the short burst creates a strong wind that forces the flame to blow out.
His power output was 3 Watt (360 Joule/120 seconds). The power output can be calculated by dividing the quantity of work by the amount of second needed for the activity and also by multiplying the force amount with the velocity of the activity. The power output usually used for measuring the ability of machine for doing its job.
1. resting heart rate
2. overload
3. workout
4. specificity
5. cool-down
6. progression
7. warm-up
8. the last one can only be instance, but there was a typo on the paper.
1) D: enormous
2) D: gravity