Blood. It is discrete cells in saline solutuion. The cells are free to move thru the plasma, or you wouldn't have blood flow, or oxygenation, and you would die. Blood is defined as liquid, not jello.
The other three are things not normally associated--water will fall from the sky as rain, for example, but is held in suspension in fog. Same with the salad oil in mayo. O.J. can be a suspension; easily separated by a filter, Or a colloid--depends if the pulp, if Any, is held in suspension or not. Usually, pulp will settle to the bottom, making that sample of Orange juice a suspension. At different temperatures, it acts differently. But, so does Fog. A colloid is something that normally shouldn't be as some of its molecules are too dense to normally "float" in suspension. Colloid means "glue".
Ionized molecules will be found in the aqueous layer
The principle of solvent extraction involves the partitioning of a substance between an aqueous layer and an organic layer. The aqueous layer is polar in nature while the organic layer is nonpolar in nature.
All nonpolar substances are found in the organic layer while all polar substances are found in the aqueous layer. Hence, in the aqueous phase, the following species can be found; positive ions, negative ions and neutral polar molecules or ionic substances.
Answer: The kinetic energy in the solid and liquid phases is the same. The kinetic energy of the substance's particles will depend on the volume of the substance. The particles have less kinetic energy in the liquid phase than they do in the gas phase. They vibrate so quickly that the particles ionize and become plasma.