By stamping the drawings that he was looking over, Jack Gillum conveys the fact that he is accepting responsibility for this work. The purpose of Gillum's stamp is to explain that such work has been under engineering review, and that it has fulfilled all the requirements that he watches our for. By putting his stamp in this work, Gillum accepts responsibility in case an error or a discrepancy is found in the drawings.
1.The velocity of fluid
2.Fluid properties.
3.Projected area of object(geometry of the object).
Drag force:
Drag force is a frictional force which offered by fluid when a object is moving in it.Drag force try to oppose the motion of object when object is moving in a medium.
Drag force given as

So we can say that drag force depends on following properties
1.The velocity of fluid
2.Fluid properties.
3.Projected area of object(geometry of the object).
Answer: Projectile
A projectile is any object that once projected or dropped continues in motion by its own inertia and is influenced only by the downward force of gravity.
The escape systems not working