molecule of the substance. You can break the molecule down further, into the atoms that make it up, but those don't have the properties of the original 'compound'.
Here's an example:
-- Sodium is a soft, slippery metal, that explodes when water touches it.
-- Chlorine is a poisonous green gas.
When an atom of Sodium and an atom of Chlorine combine, they make one molecule of a substance called "Sodium Chloride". That's SALT ! It isn't green, it isn't a gas, it isn't poisonous, it isn't soft and slippery, and it doesn't explode when water touches it.
El enlace iónico se forma por transferencia de electrones entre metales y no metales. El enlace covalente se forma al compartir electrones entre no metales.
nuclear power--used to turn turbines...
fossil fuels--burned to provide energy that is....
renewable energy--energy that with come back after use
outlet--a device....
steam--nuclear reactors....
I'm not sure but I tried lol,lemme know if I'm wrong :D