In multiplication and division problems, your answer can have no more significant figures than the number with the fewest significant figures.
(by my calculator)
There are three significant figures in 7.06 and two in 2.3.
You must round to significant figures and report the answer as 1.3 × 1.0⁷.
The correct answer to the question is
D. 3 miles (4.5 kilometers)
The Carbonate compensation depth or (CCD) is the ocean depth at which calcite, (calcium carbonate) dissolves. At the CCD, the solvation rate of calcite is greater than the supply rate, such that all calcite are consumed.
The carbonate compensation depth varies in different parts of the ocean and can be reached at about 3 miles or 4.5 Kilometers.
<u>For A:</u> The for the given reaction is
<u>For B:</u> The for the given reaction is 1642.
The given chemical reaction follows:
The expression of for the above reaction follows:
We are given:
Putting values in above equation, we get:
Hence, the for the given reaction is
Relation of with is given by the formula:
= equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressure =
= equilibrium constant in terms of concentration = ?
R = Gas constant =
T = temperature = 500 K
= change in number of moles of gas particles =
Putting values in above equation, we get:
Hence, the for the given reaction is 1642.
Because Electrons have a negative charge
The one that is observed or measured in the experiment, and it is known as the dependent variable.