Answer: all other conditions equal, the rate evaporation of a contained liquid will be slower than the rate of evaporation of an uncontained liquid.
1) The rate of evaporation increases as the surface area of the liquid (relative to the whole content) increases. This is, the greater the surface is the faster the evaporation.
2) That is so because the higher the surface of the liquid the more the number of particles in the liquid that are in contact with the surrounding air and so the more the particles will escape from the liquid to the air (which is what evaporation is).
3) A liquid contained will take the form of the container, so part of the liquid wil remain below the surface, while an uncontained liquid will spread all over the surface and so pratically all the liquid is in contact witht the air surrounding it.
to fall towards 7, making the solution less alkaline as more water is added.
cool the tractor water system
I would personally convert the 12 mg to g so I could see what I was working with. So 12 mg to grams is 0.012 g...
so 1 tablet is 0.012g. the patient needs 0.024 g.
so 0.024g/0.012g = 2 tablets or 0.012g X 2 is 0.024 g
hope this helps :)