La velocidad es una magnitud física que expresa la relación entre el espacio recorrido por un objeto, el tiempo empleado para ello y su dirección. ... Su unidad en el Sistema Internacional de Unidades es el metro por segundo (m/s), e incluye la dirección del desplazamiento
According to the statements the number of electrons is 150, then
e = 150
But there is a positive charge of +22e, then the number of protons would be
p = 150+172
If the mass of the electrons is

And the mass of the protong is

We have that the total mass of the system would be

1). trajectory
2). person sitting in a chair
3). 490 meters
4). 65 m/s
5). False. The projectile's displacement, velocity, and acceleration have vertical and horizontal components, but the projectile doesn't.
6). False
7). The vertical component of a projectile doesn't change due to gravity, but the vertical components of its displacement, velocity, and acceleration do.
The vertical components do NOT equal the horizontal components.
8). Decreasing if you include the effects of air resistance. Constant if you don't. Gravity has no effect on horizontal velocity.
9). We can't see the simulation. But if the projectile doesn't have jets on it, then as it travels upward, its vertical velocity must decrease, because gravity is trying to not let it get away.
10). We can't see the simulation. But if the projectile is traveling downward, we would call that "falling", and its vertical velocity must increase, because gravity is pulling it downward.
Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion stays in motion. The orange is moving and then the tray stops making the orange move forward because of inertia.