In order to measure the resistance in the circuit, we need to know the voltage V and the current I in the circuit, this way we can calculate the resistance using the formula:

In order to calculate the current, we can use an amperemeter that must be in series with the circuit, this way it will not affect the circuit.
And in order to calculate the voltage, we can use a voltmeter that must be in parallel with the resistance, this way it will not affect the circuit.
The correct option that shows an amperemeter in series and a voltmeter in parallel is the fourth option.
Because when people under the age of 21 try to buy alcohol, they need to be verified by their state that they are that age. So if they are under legal age, 21, the store isn't allowed to give them the Alcoholic beverage.
Reactors use uranium for nuclear fuel. The uranium is processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together onto sealed metal tubes called fuel rods. The heat created by fission turns the water into steam.