The months became darker colored and more darker colored moths were sighted.
All of the new air pollution caused the moths to alter there wings and bodies. The moths had no adaptation to this air pollution, causing them to be discolored.
9 days, or 3 half-lives
65000/520000=1/8, or 3 half-lives
3x3=9 days
I'm not the greatest at Chem but this seems more like math than Chem :)
Water can be split into O2 and H2 gas
Decreasing surface area of the solid in the liquid.
I don't know how to explain this without using. an example. So, here it is: If you were dipping bread in water, the bread would be completely soaked if you dipped the whole thing, but if you only allowed one part of the bread to be in the water, it would take longer for the water to soak all the way into it. The amount of surface area that is allowed to touch what is making the solid dissolve determines how quickly the whole thing will be dissolved.