The first reason to repeat experiments is simply to verify results. Different science disciplines have different criteria for determining what good results are. Biological assays, for example must be done in at least triplicate to generate acceptable data. Science is built on the assumption that published experimental protocols are repeatable.
2) The next reason to repeat experiments is to develop skills necessary to extend established methods and develop new experiments. “Practice make perfect” is true for the concert hall and the chemical laboratory.
3) Refining experimental observations is another reason to repeat. Maybe you did not follow the progress of the reaction like you should have.
4) Another reason to repeat experiments is to study and/or improve them in way. In the synthetic chemistry laboratory, for example, there is always a desire to improve the yield of a synthetic step. Will certain changes in the experimental conditions lead to a better yield? The only way to find out is to try it! The scientific method informs us that it is best to only make one change at a time.
5) The final reason to repeat an extraction, chromatographic or synthetic protocol is to produce more of your target substance. This is sometimes referred to scale-up.
“Star cluster” is a generic way for astronomers to refer to a group of stars that formed from the same material and are gravitationally bound for at least some period of time. There are two major types of star clusters — globular clusters and open clusters — and they are actually quite different.
The answer would be balanced
It was due to the metal foil in which the alpha particles can't even pass through. This experiment conducted by Rutherford led to the discovery of protons.
Here's what I find.
An indicator is usually is a weak acid in which the acid and base forms have different colours. Most indicators change colour over a narrow pH range.
(a) Litmus
Litmus is red in acid (< pH 5) and blue in base (> pH 8).
This is a rather wide pH range, so litmus is not much good in titrations.
However, the range is which it changes colour includes pH 7 (neutral), so it is good for distinguishing between acids and bases.
(b) Phenolphthalein
Phenolphthalein is colourless in acid (< pH 8.3) and red in base (> pH 10).
This is a narrow pH range, so phenolphthalein is good for titrating acids with strong bases..
However, it can't distinguish between acids and weakly basic solutions.
It would be colourless in a strongly acid solution with pH =1 and in a basic solution with pH = 8.
(c) Other indicators
Other acid-base indicators have the general limitations as phenolphthalein. Most of them have a small pH range, so they are useful in acid-base titrations.
The only one that could serve as a general acid-base indicator is bromothymol blue, which has a pH range of 6.0 to 7.6.