Return the total population of all cities in the list.
It is for every element in cityinfo. It works not only for one array but multiple.
I attached the document with the code or function with the name import cvs becuase when I wrote it down and it sent a message written on red about inappropriate words.
The maintenance is in charge of controlling that all the machines of a company are constantly running in order to avoid damages that cause loss of money when the machines fail.
The maintenance based on vibration monitoring allows to predict failures in some rotating machines such as:
1. worn bearings
4. affected gears
5. bent shafts
6. rocks
8. eccentricity
9. failures of electrical origin
A vision statement describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run, generally in a time frame of five to ten years, or sometimes even longer. It depicts a vision of what the company will look like in the future and sets a defined direction for the planning and execution of corporate-level strategies.
While companies should not be too ambitious in defining their long-term goals, it is critical to set a bigger and further target in a vision statement that communicates a company’s aspirations and motivates the audience. Below are the main elements of an effective vision statement:
-Motivating and inspirational
-Reflective of a company’s culture and core values
-Aimed at bringing benefits and improvements to the organization in the future
-Defines a company’s reason for existence and where it is heading