I'm not sure if a figure or some choices go along with this, but the closer to the sea floor the diver is, the lower the potential energy
He needs to improve his endurance time.
The net torque is zero
Let's assume that the dipole is compose of two equal but oposite charges e, and it cam be represented by a rod with one end having a charge e and the other end with a charge of -e. Notice that the dipole is parallel to the electric field thus the force felt by both of the charges will be parallel to the electric field. This means that there will be no components of the forces that are perpendicular to the rod which is a requirement for it to have a torque.
- A moving electric charge creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
- An electric current in a conductor creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
- A permanent magnet creates a magnetic field at all points in the surrounding region.
- A magnetic field can be created by running electricity through a wire. All magnetic fields are created by moving charged particles. it is important to also note that charged particles create magnetic fields only when they are moving.
- The strength of the magnetic field generated or created is proportional to the amount of current flowing through the wire. Thus, increasing the current increases the strength of the magnetic field.