The way that technology impacts the environment are:
It can be used to develop better processes of employing non-renewable fuel resources.
It can be employed to research ways to reduce the cost of the employment of renewable resources to create energy out of them and contribute to the replacement of non-renewable ones.
Since the industrial revolution, technology was used to produce wealth becoming the most important action for societies.
Scientists use non-renewable energy resources to create new technology and at the same time that technology used non- renewable resources to work, without worrying about the impact.
Technology impacts positively the environment because in the first please it allows us to develop cleaner non-renewable energies because of the research performed on them. In the second place by researcher ways to reduce the cost of production of renewable sources of energy. However, it also negatively impacts the environment. The first one is that since the industrial revolution the world turned itself to a monetary perspective in which create wealth and produce goods is more important than anything else. So, technology was created to industrialize the processes of production without worrying about the environment. And in second place because the technological advancement many times uses resources that are non-renewable and scientists release them as patents to make money out of them instead of being environmentally responsible.