If the scale is not "zeroed". If you do not use grams (g) to lable your products. If you do not unlock the balance. [that's about all I got doll]
Battery capacity (AH) is defined as a product of the current that is drawn from the battery while the battery is able to supply the load until its voltage is dropped to lower than a certain value for each cell.
Customer satisfaction is considered to be the "driving force" in order to achieve an efficient supply chain. An efficient supply chain takes place when the organization, or the company itself, meets with the demands of the consumers to improve and provides services that satisfies the people.
This leads to a paradox known as the Gibbs paradox, after Josiah Willard Gibbs. The paradox allows for the entropy of closed systems to decrease, violating the second law of thermodynamics. A related paradox is the "mixing paradox".
Part a)

Part B)
percentage increase is
Part a)
As we know that the beat frequency is

after increasing the tension the beat frequency is decreased and hence the tension in string B will increase
So we have

Part B)
percentage increase in the tension of the string will be given as

now we have

so we have

so we have

percentage increase is