usage of trills and vibrato
earlier music used trills while later styles would use vibrato.
what would the question be?
Experiments to determine mechanisms involve looking at indirect evidence to help support or disprove a proposed mechanism.
Most intermediates are not typically isolated to determine reaction mechanisms.
Carbocations are very reactive and are typically not isolated for analysis.
Scientists can prove that a specific mechanism exists.
Evidence of intermediates sometimes can be seen using techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
The study of reaction mechanism and chemical kinetics often form the main thrust of study in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry.
We often want to know the actual processes involved in the conversion of one specie to another. Unfortunately, this information may have to be obtained indirectly by certain chemical reactions or by the use of new instrumental methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Many organic reactions have carbocation intermediates. These carbocations are relatively short-lived and are transient intermediates which are rarely isolated unless they are isolated in a molecular cage using a macromolecule or in superacids.
By intensive study, scientists can proof or disprove the authenticity of any proposed mechanism.
We must know that a transition state has partial bonds. It is often an extremely short-lived specie which cannot be isolated.
a delta
he place where a river enters a lake, larger river, or the ocean is called its mouth. River mouths are places of much activity. As a river flows, it picks up sediment from the river bed, eroding banks, and debris on the water. ... When large amounts of alluvium are deposited at the mouth of a river, a delta is formed.