The nearest star to the Earth is the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, at a distance of 4.218 light-years.
Light year is the unit of distance covered by the heavenly bodies. 1 light year is equal to :
We need to convert 4.218 light-years barley corns.
Since, 1 barleycorn = 1/3 inch

So, the nearest star to the Earth is at a distance of
. Hence, this is the required solution.
In biology, cell theory is the historic scientific theory, now universally accepted, that living organisms are made up of cells, that they are the basic structural/organizational unit of all organisms, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction.
The three tenets to the cell theory are as described below:
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.
Cells arise from pre-existing cells.
There is no universally accepted definition of life. Some biologists consider non-cellular entities such as viruses living organisms,[1] and thus reasonably disagree with the first tenet. Throughout this article, it will lead you through the history of cell theory, how the discovery of cells was made possible, what the cell theory has become today and background information and history regarding other opposing concepts of cell theory.
Hi!Schrodinger equation is written as HΨ = EΨ, where h is said to be a Hamiltonian operator.
Bio-gas is the naturally produced fossil fuel, a by-product when bacteria decompose organic material under anaerobic conditions.
Organic matter particularly waste material is broken down by bacteria through fermentation in an environmental condition without any presence of oxygen. This process of decomposition leads to formation of bio-gas with "carbon dioxide and methane" in a 2:3 ratio.
The above biological process is termed as bio-digestion or anaerobic digestion. Methane is flammable and thus bio-gas can be used as "energy source", a waste-to-energy transformation. The remaining decomposed matter is ideal as manure for plants due to its rich nutrient level.
fault-block mountains. hope this helps