Sucrose, a sweet, white crystalline substance, C12 H22 O11, OBTAINED CHIEFLY FROM THE JUICE OF THE SUGAR CANE AND SUGAR BEET, BUT ALSO PRESENT IN SORGHUM, THE sugar maple, some palms, and various other plants, and having extensive nutritional, pharmaceutical, and industrial uses; any of the class of carbohydrates to which this substance belongs, as glucose, levulose, and lactose.
When you heated the can with the bit of water inside and you boiled it over a flame, the water turned to vapor (gas) and the pressure in the inside of the can is different from the pressure on the outside of the can. When you placed the can into a ice water beaker or a container, the can shrunk it's size, decreasing it's mass and density. The can shrunk as a result of the inside pressure being equalized with the outside pressure.
The part where you placed it in the ice bath or container was when the water vapor was forced out of the can.
The students conclude the cells are plant cells.
prince Henry is your answer (: