When a roller coster goes down hill all its stored energy is bieng used as electricity is bieng converted into energy (moving)
Getting rid of outdated information from the brain.
In the brain, storing and losing memory are two important things in selecting and holding relevant information. Forgetting is a way of dealing with unneeded information in the brain thus absent minded individuals have an improved brain flexibility because their brain removes unwanted and unnecessary information regularly.
if this surface has a higher index than in the medium where the light travels, the reflected wave has a phase change of 180º
When a ray of light falls on a surface if this surface has a higher index than in the medium where the light travels, the reflected wave has a phase change of 180º this can be explained by Newton's third law, the light when arriving pushes the atoms of the medium that is more dense, and these atoms respond with a force of equal magnitude, but in the opposite direction.
When the fractional index is lower than that of the medium where the reflacted beam travels, notice a change in phase.
Also, when light penetrates the medium, it modifies its wavelength
λ = λ₀ / n
We take these two aspects into account, the condition for contributory interference is
d sin θ = (m + 1/2) λ
for destructive interference we have
d sin θ = m λ
in general this phenomenon is observed at 90º
2 d = (m +1/2) λ° / n
2nd = (m + ½) λ₀
Molecule is the answer to what you are looking for