Decrease the voltage,and do not change the resistance,the current will also decrease
Decrease the voltage,and do not change the resistance, the current will also decrease, because voltage is directly proportional to current
In order to make things easier to describe and explain, let's call
the resistance of each bulb 'R', and the battery voltage 'V'.
a). In series, the total resistance is 3R.
In parallel, the total resistance is R/3.
Changing from series to parallel, the total resistance of the circuit
decreases to 1/9 of its original value.
b). In series, the total current is V / (3R) .
In parallel, the total current is 3V / R .
Changing from series to parallel, the total current in the circuit
increases to 9 times its original value.
c). In series, the power dissipated by the circuit is
(V) · V/3R = V² / 3R .
In parallel, the power dissipated by the circuit is
(V) · 3V/R = 3V² / R .
Changing from series to parallel, the power dissipated by
the circuit (also the power delivered by the battery) increases
to 9 times its original value.
You can get alot of info from it then again the info could be misleading
You can get some good info from the internet but its most likely the wrong info
It informs you with the info you need then again you are most likely getting socialy forced information.
Answer: The lower areas of the Atmosphere have a high temperature through the heats from the ground.
Explanation: High temperature experienced on the Earth surface is majorly caused by heats from the ground ( Earth crust).As a person ascend up to the Toposphere the temperature continues to reduce because because the heat from the ground is reduced as the heights increased.
It has been proven that as a person ascends into the Toposphere the amount of air and pressure reduces this will eventually lead to expansion of the gas particles which will then reduce the temperature.
Begin as protostars, which fire up when they collapse and become denser and hotter.