Yes. Example: <u>Sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) molecule</u>
According to the octet rule, elements tend to form chemical bonds in order to have <u>8 electrons in their valence shell</u> and gain the stable s²p⁶ electronic configuration.
However, this rule is generally followed by main group elements only.
Exception: <u>SF₆ molecule</u>
In this molecule, six fluorine atoms are attached to the central sulfur atom by single covalent bonds.
<u>Each fluorine atom has 8 electrons in their valence shells</u>. Thus, it <u>follows the octet rule.</u>
Whereas, there are <u>12 electrons around the central sulfur atom</u> in the SF₆ molecule. Therefore, <u>sulfur does not follow the octet rule.</u>
<u>Therefore, the SF₆ molecule is known as a </u><u>hypervalent molecule</u><u> or expanded-valence molecule.</u>
Appearance. Pure rock salt is colorless. However, when found underground it is generally not completely pure, so may have yellow, red, gray or brown hues. It is either transparent or translucent and when you shine a light on it, its luster is vitreous, meaning it appears shiny and glassy.
C. It's so rewarding, people feel emotionally high and fulfilled when they're done.
In volunteering, your primary motivation is to extend your help or assistance and make other people happy. Seeing people happy because of what you are doing, it the ultimate reward of volunteering. Happiness gained from this experience is priceless. It is worth more than any freebies or any material gains you will receive.