One can draw the 3-dimensional structure of an atom once they have the Lewis Structure of an atom. The 3-dimensional geometrical structure of ammonium, NH4+ is referred to as Tetrahedral. ... But the + sign decrees that NH4+ has 8 valence shell electrons, due to the positive ion.
Answer:D. neither red nor blue
The most reactive element is the element that will displace an element from it compound . The most reactive element will replace the less reactive element in it compound.
Q+ + Y Reaction occurs
Since the reaction occurs the element Y which is more reactive displaced element Q from it compound.
Q+W+ Reaction occurs
The reaction occurs, that means element Q replaces element w from it compound. Element Q is therefore more reactive than element W.
W+Z+ Reaction occurs
The reaction also occurs . This is an indication that element W replaces element Z in it compound. This means element W is very reactive than element Z.
X+Z+ No reaction
There is no reaction here. This is an indication that element X is less reactive than element Z. This is why element X can't displace element Y in it compound.
Answer: Handwashing. It is estimated that washing hands with soap and water could reduce diarrheal disease-associated deaths by up to 50% 1. Researchers in London estimate that if everyone routinely washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented 2.