So, compounds of boron contain boron in a positive oxidation state, generally +3. The sum of oxidation numbers of all constituent atoms of a given molecule or ion is equal to zero or the charge of the ion, respectively. ... In most of the stable compounds of boron, its oxidation number is +3
The increase of prey
Without predators in the ecosysten prey population would increase
Phytoplankton is a type of micro algae. This creature is similar to the other plants in the ocean biome. But what makes it special is the fact that it is the main produce in the food web. The plant is so small that it is impossible to see it with the naked eye.
However, that doesn’t remove the fact that phytoplankton contains a huge amount of chlorophyll. Here are the 13 Function of the Phytoplankton in Ocean Ecosystem. Find out what makes this small plant so crucial to the ocean