A ball falling through the air has a mass, a density, a volume...it is facing air resistance and is being acted on by gravity...it is accelerating and gaining velocity...and it is increasing in kinetic energy.
I suppose out of all those the biggest thing the ball has in this case is ENERGY. There are two main types to focus on...
Kinetic Energy - The further the ball fall the more KE it has...until terminal velocity is reach, then KE would become constant.
Potential Energy - Conversely to that of KE, the further the ball falls the less PE it will have.
<em>Heat/Thermal Energy is technically also present due to the friction from the air resistance, but the transfer of energy between the air and ball is quite complex and not necessary important for basic physics.
The question itself seem kind of vague and open ended, but I could just be viewing it the wrong way.
Comment if you need more help!
The impact would be great it would possibly freeze the work or melt the polar ice caps and flood the world to were we would invent technology light years away.
B is the correct answer since acid corrode on metals such as carbon, steel, zinc and such.
I think this is AWESOME, but I think the last sentence of your conclusion is a bit off. <span> "If someone has an allergy to oil then they can still eat cake because applesauce makes an amazing substitute for oil." I think that you should say "This recipe is great for those who cannot eat/drink oil, the applesauce is an amazing substitute for oil."
I hope I helped! -Wajiha</span>
It depends on the size and density but No.