This an example solved please follow up with they photo I sent ok
I'm going to make a list of everything you need to consider for the supervision and design of the bridge.
1. the materials with which you are going to build it.
2. the length of the bridge.
3. The dynamic and static load to which the bridge will be subjected.
4. How corrosive is the environment where it will be built.
5.wind forces
6. The force due to possible earthquakes.
7. If it is going to be built in an environment where snow falls.
8. The bridge is unique,so the shape has a geometry that resists loads?.
9. bridge costs.
10. Personal and necessary machines.
11. how much the river grows
A. Email your teacher right away. It would be the safest option.
you need more details but if you have to find the difference, its $2.00
On highways, the far left lane is usually the<u> fastest</u> moving traffic.
Answer: Option D.
For the most part, the right lane of a freeway is for entering and leaving the traffic stream. It is an arranging path, for use toward the start and end of your interstate run. The center paths are for through traffic, and the left path is for passing. On the off chance that you are not passing somebody, try not to be driving in the left path.
Regular practice and most law on United States expressways is that the left path is saved for passing and quicker moving traffic, and that traffic utilizing the left path must respect traffic wishing to surpass.