Answer: .45 moles of CO2, H20,and NaCl
1. Make a Prediction
2. Fill both beakers with water
3. Dissolve salt in one of the beakers
4. Place both in the freezer and observe
5. Write a report
(Always make the prediction first! That's a hypothesis!)
i. Sobolo is a Ghanian drink that is produced from red hibiscus flower that has an average pH of 6.7
It contains cyanidin and anthocyanins, which is a red pigment that is red in an acidic medium and changes green when introduced in a basic medium that has a high pH
The pH at the rectum of the digestive system = 5 to 8 (Slightly basic)
Therefore, what made the stool of Akosua green is that the sobolo drink changes to green in basic solution
ii. The stool which appeared green because she took sobolo turn into bright red upon mixing with the acidic WC water because of the presence of anthocyanins in sobolo, it turns red in an acidic medium
iii. Sobolo which turns green, or blue in a basic medium and red in an acidic medium can be used as a litmus solution to test the pH of a given substance
Sobolo or soobolo in Ghana is a name for the Hibiscus tea or tisane, which is made from calyces of the hibiscus plant, and has a sour (tangy) taste and appears bright red in color
PbCr04 + P4O10
Hope this helps!
Answer: I think that you have to find it in your lesson