Roughly 1609 meters in one mile
Becomes older
As sea floor spreading occurs at divergent margins, the oceanic plate becomes older. Younger plate margin are the closest to the margin whereas the older plates bushes backward away from the spreading centers.
- The idea that the sea floor spreads was postulated by Harry Hess shortly after the second world war around the 1960's.
- At divergent margins new crust materials from the mantle are brought to the surface.
- They crystallize and settle at the flanks of plate margins.
- Older ones are pushed backward away from the margin into far away subduction zones.
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Sea floor spreading
English: Cardiovascular efficiency depends on a number of factors. One measure is called stroke volume, which is the volume of blood pumped per heartbeat. A fit individual has a larger stroke volume, which means a greater volume of oxygen is delivered to the body per heartbeat.
Spanish: La eficacia cardiovascular depende de una serie de factores. Una medida se denomina volumen sistólico, que es el volumen de sangre bombeada por latidos cardíacos. Un individuo en forma tiene un volumen de movimiento mayor, lo que significa que un mayor volumen de oxígeno es entregado al cuerpo por latidos cardíacos.