The most common reason for alloying is to increase the strength of a metal. This requires that barriers to slip be distributed uniformly throughout the crystalline grains. On the finest scale, this is done by dissolving alloying agents in the metal matrix (a procedure known as solid solution hardening
hey why u search i have book that answer i got mark as brainlist please okkkkkk
How am I supposed to help you if there's not picture of what the problem is
Yeah of-course!! It's valency by group most of the chemical property like electronegativity, ionization energy etc. by the combination of groups and periods...
Answer: b) Less dense
Differences in density is one reason objects float or sink.
An object more dense than the fluid in which it is immersed will sink, while objects less dense than the fluid in which it is immersed will float to the surface.
But objects floats at constant level if the density is equal to the density of the fluid in which it is immersed; it neither rises nor sinks in the fluid in this case.
Noble gases have complete valence electron shells